Baby led potty Training

Baby led potty training is a method for meeting babies toilet needs. The main characteristic of this method is that the parents or the caregivers”hold out the babies” or give them support on the potty in order for them to empty their bowels in the potty and not on the diapers or the nappies. This method is highly recommended for toddlers or kids before they are six months. Some parents use this method occasionally whereas others use this technique full time as they prefer it more to nappies. 

Parents who use this technique capitalize on the babies reflexes. The parents encourage their babies to go in this position and no sooner are they held out than they try to void. It is a technique that parent offer the baby an opportunity to void at set intervals. The set intervals can be based on timing, on a routine or through learning what times the baby is likely to have a bowel or bladder movement.  

Once the baby has become adapted to being potty led and passing their waste on the potty, the parents and the caregivers are able to adapt to this method and this will help in creating a routine that will fit in their everyday life.  It is also recommended that the parents offer the potty occasionally to a troubled baby to help them in relieving themselves and also reduce the dependence on nappies. The method can be continued until the baby is two years and it is adapted to help them in the transition to attain total toilet independence. 

 The young babies will more often than not exhibit some outward sign of uneasiness when they have a full bladder or even a moving bowel. It is after practicing the baby led method that a parent or caregiver can be acquainted to these signals or can predict when the next bowel movement or full bladder might occur. 

Timing is essential for a successful “event” to go through. A baby that has been milk fed would have an urgency of peeing immediately after feeding.

Benefits of Baby-led Potty Training
  • Baby led potty training creates a deeper bond between the parent and the baby. It also creates the feeling of connection, understanding and communication between the parent and the baby.
  • Less nappy rash on the baby’s bosom. Since the babies spend most of the times without the diapers or nappies there is room for air and hence a clear nappy rash free bottom.
  • Baby led potty training leads to a happy baby who is fuss free and problems associated with colic are minimal.
  • Using the baby led kind of potty training ensures that less and lesser diapers or nappies are used and hence the parents save on some coins which they would have spent in buying other diapers and nappies.

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