Here are the steps I followed to potty train Fluffy

 1. I got a litter box that was big enough for Fluffy to comfortably sit in and move around. I chose a plastic cat litter box with low sides so he could easily hop in and out. I also got some newspaper, rabbit-safe litter and hay-.


2. I lined the bottom of the litter box with newspaper and then added a thin layer of litter on top. I avoided using pine or cedar shavings, as they can be harmful for rabbits' respiratory systems. I also avoided using clumping or clay-based cat litters, as they can cause intestinal blockages if ingested by rabbitss.


3. I placed some hay on one side of the litter box, leaving the other side empty. Rabbits like to munch on hay while they do their business, so this encouraged Fluffy to use the litter box as his dining area as well.-


4. I observed Fluffy's behavior and noticed which corner of his cage he liked to use as his toilet. I then moved the litter box to that corner and put some of his droppings inside it. This helped him associate the litter box with his bathroom spot-.


5. I praised Fluffy whenever he used the litter box and gave him a treat as a reward. I also cleaned the litter box daily by scooping out the wet litter and replacing it with fresh one. Once a week, I washed the litter box with hot water and a mild disinfectant.


6. I gradually expanded Fluffy's living space by letting him out of his cage for supervised playtime. I made sure to have another litter box in the room where he was roaming and kept an eye on him for any signs of needing to go. If he started to lift his tail or squat outside the litter box, I gently picked him up and placed him in the litter box.-


7. I repeated these steps until Fluffy was consistently using the litter box in his cage and outside of it. It took about two weeks for him to get fully potty trained, but it was worth it!


Potty training a rabbit is not only good for hygiene and odor control, but also for bonding with your bunny. By spending time with your rabbit and rewarding him for good behavior, you can strengthen your relationship and trust. Fluffy is now a happy and well-behaved bunny who loves his litter box!

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