House Training A Cat

House Training A Cat

While still in the process of house training your cat, she should not have a free run in your house. Continuous behaviors of the cat messing in your house if not early corrected will gradually become the everyday norm for the cat. It is essential to punish the cat immediately after the act and this will only teach her to be afraid of you and a repeat the same mistake again is very common. Punishment does not work with cats, instead opt for prevention of these mess and always praising the cat for getting it right each time she poops on her box or outside.

If at any one time you were to leave the house for some time, then it is recommended that you leave your cat in a confined room, preferably a room with non-porous floors such as the kitchen, basement or the garage. Be a bit responsible and leave a bowl of water and warm clean neat place at one end of the room for the cat to rest on. Ensure that your cat has a regular feeding schedule so she can develop a conforming elimination schedule.

Your cat does not only require a litter box, but she needs a clean box with clean fresh litter every day. Your cat will be subdued from using her urine smelly litter box and prefer to use the carpet or the new rug that you just bought. If this should happen, immediately and thoroughly clean the area with disinfectant. The old litter box should be discarded as soon as the cat messes on it and replaced with about 2 inches of fresh litter. A little vinegar or lime juice added to the water for rinsing the litter box will help in neutralizing the cat’s urine odor.

Always ensure that the litter box is in its appropriate and at a distant place. Cat hate messy smelly areas close to their sleeping or feeding areas though do not place it at a place where the cat can’t easily gain access to it. Place the litter box at a place where the cat will gain easy access and if she is new to your home, ensure that you keep the litter box close to where she likes hiding. It is also wise to put extra litter boxes in different locations, and if you have several cats then have several litter boxes strategically placed in your home.

Most cats, especially the kittens urinate or defecate shortly after waking up, eating or after some exercises. Feed the cats on a regular basis and this will help you predict when your cat will eliminate. Spend some time playing with the cat before feeding her. Ten to fifteen minutes of play is the most common recommended time and immediately after feed the cat. Allow for another fifteen minutes of eating time and then clear any left overs. After feeding you could play again another short session. 
After this session call the cat to her litter box and start playing with the litter to keep the cat interested.

Throughout the day, whenever your cat has been sleeping for over two hours, wake her up and call her to the litter box. Praise your cat each time she hops into the litter box. Make her learn that the litter box is clean place to be in.

Finally key to a happy trained cat is a clean litter box, so it is recommended that you change the soiled litter frequently. Most cats will start to relieve themselves elsewhere if the litter box is not kept clean.
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