Baby center potty training

Most children are ready to be potty trained at the ages of 2 and 3 years. The boys have a propensity to be on the latter end of the scale. Most kids have a trouble free time being potty trained while for other it can be a bit tricky.

  When Should I Start Potty Training My Child?

Making a decision on when to start potty training is the most vital step in this process. The earlier you begin the better. It can take months but eventually it can be very successful. Again beginning potty training on a very young child can be very difficult and can be very frustrating for the parents. Here at the Baby center for potty training we emphasize that potty training your child is a huge responsibility and here below we have listed some of the clues to help you when you want to start potty training. .
  1. He/She can verbalize when they are going in their diaper. This is a sign of readiness, but when they let you know before they need to go, it's time to start.
  2. You haven't gone through any big transitions lately (a new baby, a move, etc.)
  3. Your child can easily walk to the toilet.
  4. Your child can follow simple directions.
  5. Your child is interested when you go to the bathroom and shows a motivation to go as well.
  6. Your child is verbal enough to let you know when he/she has to go to the bathroom.
  7. Your child stops playing to have a bowel movement.
  8. Your child wakes up from the night with a dry diaper (this isn't a necessity, but it is a big help).
  9. Your child's diaper is dry for long periods, then extremely wet. This demonstrates that they are not going small amounts throughout the day but mostly at one time..
At the baby center for potty training we recommend buying a doll that drinks and goes potty. Your child can assist the doll put on panties and go potty, and then you give the doll a party. When you've completed, your child goes potty and is given a party.  We at the baby center for potty training ask the parents give stickers or treats for going potty

How to Potty Train a Toddler

Potty training is a chore every parent has to go undergo. Have you ever marveled what is the best way on how to potty train a child. Although some may differ, as long as you're constant in what you teach and your prospects, we don't think there can be anything termed as a best method.
In describing the methods, one method is called the toddler method. In this method, the parent stays in tune when the infant needs to eliminate and the infant is held over the toilet when he or she needs to eliminate.
Another highly recommended method is called "practice until you get it right." This is the method used by most parents in the United States. 

When the child is ready to be toilet-trained, you support them to use the toilet and give them incentives when they are successful.
We at the baby centre for potty training; we highly recommend Dr. Phil’s one-day training method. In this method, a doll is used to demonstrate what to do. Another method is waiting until the child is ready and has started showing interest in potty training.
While some parents prefer to use dolls to potty train, most parents give the dolls as a toy to their child. However you actually have to give it baby food and bottles of water. Some parents have reported this as being very messy. This may seem like a lot of bother. Other than the parent indicating what to do with the doll at first, the child basically trains themselves. Although this method may be the least time consuming, it can take a long time for the child to master.

Potty Training: Girls vs. Boys

One universal question many parents wonder is whether it is trickier to potty train a girl or a boy. Another question parents frequently have is whether they should have their boy sit down or stand up while potty. Most specialists believe girls are easier to potty train than boys, but they don't know why. As for whether to have you little boy stand or sit while urinating, most experts advocate you teach a boy to sit down while potty training. The reason for recommending this is because it is easier to tutor them to sit down for both urination and bowel elimination. After they master potty training, you can teach them to stand while urinating. 

Purchasing a Potty Chair

We at the baby center for potty training we advocate for the parents to buy potty seats when they think their children are ready for potty training. There are different types of potty seat and are readily available at very reasonable prices.
  • Flip potty seats - With flip potty seats, there is potty seat on top of a regular toilet seat. When the potty seat is not in use, they can be easily flipped up so the regular toilet seat can be used. When not in use and the seat is down, they look like a regular toilet seat.
  • Folded potty seats - If you travel alot, this type of potty seat folds for opportune storage and transportation.
  • Portable potty seats - Portable potty seats are usually a one piece plastic unit that fits over the toilet seat.
  • Potty chair - This is a standalone potty chair designed for little ones.
  • Soft potty seats - Soft potty seats are cushioned for more comfort.

How to Potty Train

If the child has the talents for potty training, alot of potty training is dependent upon timing and reinforcement.
·         At certain times they are more pertinent to go than others. Most advantageous toileting times are first thing after first light, after siestas, after eating, after drinking, before a bath, before bed, and after they have had an accident.
·         Be on the watch for signs your child may have to go. These signs include: squirming, holding the genital area, and squatting.
·         If the child has an accident, no punishment is necessary. However, toilet the child, and if they had a bowel movement accident, make sure they see you deposit the bowel movement in the toilet. As you're dumping the bowel movement in the toilet, tell them that is where the poop or whatever your child calls it goes.
·         When the child does eliminate in the toilet, praise them and reward them but do not over do it.

Potty Training Tips

Throughout the trial and error process, many parents have discovered tips to make potty training easier. Some of these tips are:
  • Dress your child for easier potty training, dresses are easier for girls to manipulate while elasticized shorts or pants without zippers or buttons are easier for boys.
  • Make potty training fun. Sing potty training songs with your child. Read your child entertaining books about potty training to reinforce the concepts.
  • To avoid accidents on the furniture, place a rubber-backed rub where they usually sit.
  • While you son is taking a bath, ask him to urinate in a cup. This teaches him to keep his flow of urine within a defined perimeter.
  • With a crayon, draw a circle at the bottom of the toilet and ask him to urinate within that circle.
Rewards for Potty Training

Lastly, only you know what your child likes better than anyone else so the rewards can be anything you think will positively emphasize their first-class behavior. Some parents may prefer to use charts and stickers as incentives. Other parents will prefer buying new training underwear which are appealing to children. If the child eliminates in the toilet, he or she can wear the new training pants as a reward rather than the diaper.

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