How To Potty Train A Maltipoo

If you are the proud owner of a maltipoo, you might be wondering how to potty train your adorable furry friend. Maltipoos are a cross between a Maltese and a Poodle, and they are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and affection. However, they can also be stubborn and easily distracted, which can make potty training a challenge. But don't worry, with some patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can teach your maltipoo to do its business in the right place. Here are some tips to help you potty train your maltipoo:


1. Choose a designated potty spot. Whether you want your maltipoo to go outside or use a litter box or a pee pad indoors, you need to pick a specific spot and stick to it. This will help your maltipoo associate that spot with going potty and avoid confusion. Make sure the spot is easily accessible, clean, and comfortable for your maltipoo.


2. Establish a routine. Maltipoos thrive on routine and structure, so it's important to set a regular schedule for feeding, playing, and pottying. Generally, you should take your maltipoo to its potty spot first thing in the morning, after meals, after naps, after playtime, and before bedtime. Try to keep the intervals between potty breaks consistent and avoid changing them too often.


3. Use a crate. Crate training can be a useful tool for potty training your maltipoo, as it can prevent accidents and teach your maltipoo to hold its bladder. Maltipoos are den animals and they don't like to soil their sleeping area, so they will try to avoid peeing or pooping in their crate. However, you need to make sure the crate is the right size for your maltipoo: it should be big enough for your maltipoo to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably, but not too big that it can use one corner as a bathroom. You also need to make sure you don't leave your maltipoo in the crate for too long: as a rule of thumb, you can leave your maltipoo in the crate for one hour per month of age, plus one hour. For example, if your maltipoo is three months old, you can leave it in the crate for four hours at most.


4. Reward success. Positive reinforcement is the key to potty training your maltipoo. Whenever your maltipoo goes potty in the right spot, praise it enthusiastically and give it a treat or a toy. This will make your maltipoo feel happy and motivated to repeat the behavior. On the other hand, never punish or scold your maltipoo for having an accident: this will only make your maltipoo fearful and anxious and may cause more problems in the future.


5. Be patient and consistent. Potty training your maltipoo may take some time and effort, but don't give up or lose hope. Every dog is different and learns at its own pace: some may master potty training in a few weeks, while others may take months. The important thing is to be patient and consistent with your maltipoo: follow the same routine every day, use the same commands and cues, and reward every success. With enough love and guidance, your maltipoo will eventually learn where to go potty and become a well-trained companion.

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