Toilet training the boot camp way takes a weekend. Its highly recommended that you choose the right and the most appropriate weekend to get this done. Boot camp toilet training can only take place if your child has started showing signs of wanting to use the potty. 

The first step is done on Saturday. On this particular day, put your child on training pants. Some of these pants can be reusable and they are specially designed using cotton made with extra layers of fabric between the legs. These pants are made in such a way that if the child has had an accident, he will most definitely feel wet and feel the urge to remove it. Also you can be able to tell if your child is ready if he is able to communicate with you. Some kids will just stand in one corner when they want to poop and will not come tell their parents. It is recommended for the parents to be one the look out.

Secondly, boot camp potty training should be done over a weekend when you can be at home with your child so that you can monitor the process. Gift her with new training pants with her favorite cartoon character on it and some candy to reward her if she follows your advice to sit on her new potty without her training pants. Adding a toilet seat will also encourage the baby to go sit on the potty.

None the less, you could buy your kid a potty seat and fix it on top on the regular seat cover. This prevents you from cleaning out an a lot of mess and it works faster and better.
The third step is to cajole your child to listen to his body and sit on the potty when he feels he wants to go poop or pee.

Step four, throughout the weekend, direct your child to the bathroom first thing in the morning, before and after naps, after meals too. Before bedtime and every two hours if she doesn’t already do so herself.

Do not reprimand yourself for your child’s accident, instead praise them for their success and also reward them with some incentives. It is not a must that you get him a new toy or a piece of candy every time she uses the bathroom.  The desire to be clean is what truly motivates a child to stop playing and go use the bathroom.

If by the end of the weekend your child still has accidents on the floor or could care less about having the numerous accidents on her pants, this would only mean that she is not ready. Go back to using the diapers on Monday or as soon as you admit that you have failed on your mission. Relax and sit back and try the boot camp on another weekend.  It is not as if she will make the transition to the toilet any faster if you keep pressuring her to use her training pants.

However, if she wears her training pants for the weekend and regrets having an accidents or two, then you could say that your mission was a success.

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